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Church Life

Parish Announcements

Parish Worship Services

July 21st & 28th and Aug. 4th - Regular Worship Service (All Three Churches)

Upcoming Meetings

Aug. 12th - 7 pm @ Bethlehem:  Council Meeting

Aug. 13th - 7 pm @ Christ:  Council Meeting

Parish/Community Activities

​July 24th - 6 pm @ Christ:  Picnic w/Program on Death/Preparation

​July 30th - 1 pm @ Home (of Jackee McCartney):  Care & Share Card


​​Aug. 12th - 1-3 pm @ Bethlehem:  New Hope Ministries

                                                              (mobile food pantry)

Aug. 21st - 12-5 pm @ Trinity Luth. Church:  Am. Red Cross Blood Drive       


Aug. 21st - 6 pm @ Christ:  Picnic w/Program on Death/Preparation

Window Light in Church

Listen, God is Calling!

Share Stories About Farming

LAMPA is working on a resource to connect Lutherans around the state in prayer and story-telling for the specific joys and concerns of the farmers and other agricultural workers whose gifts and skills serve to feed God's people around the country and care for creation all around us. If you have personal stories, joys, concerns, or even pictures to share, contact the office for more information.

Act of Random (Christian) Kindness

Someone has reached out to our church asking for encouragement during a trying season of her life. If you can offer letter-writing, gift-giving, or prayer time, please contact the church office for more details about her story.

In Honor or In Memory of ...
If you would like to memorialize or honor a loved one on a special birthday or anniversary, enter information here. They will be included by name in the Prayers of Intercession for that Sunday. 


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