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All are welcome!

This community and these churches are (imperfect) expressions of God's love and welcome to all. Come as you are - we are a community of beloved and broken people who seek to follow Christ and enjoy sharing life together.

Not sure what to expect?

We have a growing archive of recorded worship services on YouTube. Some document online only services, while others are a hybrid of in-person and online. Check out our channel to watch past services!

  • YouTube
What to Wear?​​

We don't have a "dress code," so please feel free
to come as you are. You can expect to see
mostly Business Casual/Comfortable attire
on a Sunday morning.

Sign In:

If you're new, we'd love to meet you and
of course, have you come back! Please sign in upon entering any of our buildings.



The Covid-19 task force (Bettina McBeth, Chris Cuttitta, Julie Haller, and Vicar Mike Faust) have approved the following guidelines for safe worship practice. Thank you for showing love to your neighbors by following these rules.


1.  MASKS ARE OPTIONAL for anyone who feels they need to wear one.  It is being suggested that unvaccinated youth under 12 wear a mask.


2.  NO SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENT, but please respect each other's space.


3.  PASSING OF THE PEACE.  We will not physically pass the peace at this time.  It can be done by waving or gesturing during the service.


4.  NO PHYSICAL PASSING OF ANYTHING.  Collection plates and bulletins are placed at the entrances/exits so there is no physical passing from one person to another.


5.  We will have bulletins to use for the services so hymnals will not be required.  Please touch as little as possible when in your pews. 


6.  We will have communion with sealed, pre-packaged individual communion servings.  Directions for distribution will be shared at that time in the service. There will be trash receptacles at the exits for disposal.


7.   Attendance will be taken at each church each Sunday.  Should an outbreak occur, the congregation can be notified.  If  anyone receives a positive test for COVID, please report it to the task force immediately.


8. Buildings can be used for purposes designated by each parish.  Always clean frequently touched surfaces after use.




Thanks for submitting!

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