Three churches; one community.
Bendersville Lutheran Parish
Christ, Aspers | Bethlehem, Bendersville | St. James, Wenksville

COVID-19 Information​
We have established a Parish COVID-19 Task Force (Bettina McBeth, Chris Cuttitta, Julie Haller, and Pastor Susan Scott) which is responsible for continuing to monitor the pandemic’s progression and adjusting our parish
practices accordingly.

(Guidelines are currently lifted, but will be reinstated if necessary through CDC and county authorities' instructions.)
The COVID-19 task force (Bettina McBeth, Chris Cuttitta, Julie Haller, and Vicar Mike Faust) approved the following guidelines for safe worship practice as of June 28th, 2021. Thank you for showing love to your neighbors by following these rules.
1. MASKS ARE OPTIONAL for anyone who feels they need to wear one, particularly those unvaccinated. It is suggested that
unvaccinated youth under 12 wear a mask.
2. NO SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENT, but please respect each other's space.
3. NO PASSING OF THE PEACE PHYSICALLY at this time. It can be done by waving or gesturing during the service.
4. OFFERING PLATES AND BULLETINS will continue to be placed at the designated entrances/exits at the present time.
5. Bulletins to use for the services will continue to include the hymns, so hymnals will not be required.
6. We will continue to have communion with sealed, pre-packaged individual communion servings at this time. Directions for
distribution will be shared at that time in the service. There will be trash receptacles at the exits for disposal.
7. Attendance does not need to be taken at this time for COVID reporting. If anyone should receive a positive test for COVID,
out of respect for others, please report it to the task force.
8. Buildings can be used for purposes designated by each church of our parish.
A Prayer for Putting on a Face Mask
Creator God, as I prepare to go into the world, help me to see the sacramental nature of wearing this cloth. Let it be a tangible and visible way of living love for my neighbors, as I love myself.
Christ Jesus, since my lips will be covered, uncover my heart, that people would see my smile in the crinkles around my eyes. Since my voice may be muffled, help me to speak clearly, not only with my words, but with my actions.
Holy Spirit, as the elastic touches my ears, remind me to listen carefully and caringly to all those I meet. May this simple piece of cloth be shield and banner, and may each breath that it holds be filled with your love.
In your name and in that love, I pray. Amen.
-written by Rev. Richard Bott